60 research outputs found

    Cutaneous and mucosal human papillomaviruses differ in net surface charge, potential impact on tropism

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    Papillomaviruses can roughly be divided into two tropism groups, those infecting the skin, including the genus beta PVs, and those infecting the mucosa, predominantly genus alpha PVs. The L1 capsid protein determines the phylogenetic separation between beta types and alpha types and the L1 protein is most probably responsible for the first interaction with the cell surface. Virus entry is a known determinant for tissue tropism and to study if interactions of the viral capsid with the cell surface could affect HPV tropism, the net surface charge of the HPV L1 capsid proteins was analyzed and HPV-16 (alpha) and HPV-5 (beta) with a mucosal and cutaneous tropism respectively were used to study heparin inhibition of uptake. The negatively charged L1 proteins were all found among HPVs with cutaneous tropism from the beta- and gamma-PV genus, while all alpha HPVs were positively charged at pH 7.4. The linear sequence of the HPV-5 L1 capsid protein had a predicted isoelectric point (pI) of 6.59 and a charge of -2.74 at pH 7.4, while HPV-16 had a pI of 7.95 with a charge of +2.98, suggesting no interaction between HPV-5 and the highly negative charged heparin. Furthermore, 3D-modelling indicated that HPV-5 L1 exposed more negatively charged amino acids than HPV-16. Uptake of HPV-5 (beta) and HPV-16 (alpha) was studied in vitro by using a pseudovirus (PsV) assay. Uptake of HPV-5 PsV was not inhibited by heparin in C33A cells and only minor inhibition was detected in HaCaT cells. HPV-16 PsV uptake was significantly more inhibited by heparin in both cells and completely blocked in C33A cells

    Multivariat analys av proteomik- och metabolomikmönster i hjärntumörer

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor. Given the current standard of care, the prognosis for patients diagnosed with this disease is still poor. There consequently exists a need to improve current treatments, as well as to develop new ones. Many obstacles however need to be overcome to facilitate this effort and one of these involves the development of improved methods to monitor treatment effects. At present, the effects of treatment are typically assessed by radiological means several months after its initiation, which is unsatisfactory for a fast growing tumor like GBM. It is however likely that treatment effects can be detected on a molecular level long before radiological response, especially considering many of the targeted therapies that are currently being developed. Biomarkers for treatment efficacy may be of great importance in the future individualization of brain tumor treatment. The work presented herein was primarily focused on detecting early effects of GBM treatment. To this end, we designed experiments in the BT4C rat glioma model in which we studied effects of both conventional radiotherapy and an experimental angiogenesis inhibitor, vandetanib. Brain tissue samples were analyzed using a high throughput mass spectrometry (MS) based screening, known as Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). The vast amounts of data generated were subsequently analyzed by established multivariate statistical methods, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Orthogonal Partial Least Squares (OPLS), developed for analysis of large and complex datasets. In the radiotherapy study we detected a protein spectrum pattern clearly related to tumor progression. We notably observed how this progression pattern was hampered by radiotherapy. The vandetanib study also revealed significant alterations of protein expression following treatment of different durations, both in tumor tissue and in normal brain contralateral to the tumor. In an effort to further elucidate the pathophysiology of GBM, particularly in relation to treatment, we collected extracellular fluid (ECF) samples from 11 patients diagnosed with inoperable GBM. The samples were collected by means of stereotactic microdialysis, both from within the contrast enhancing tumor and the brain adjacent to tumor (BAT). Samples were collected longitudinally from each patient in a time span of up to two weeks, during which the patient received the first five fractions of radiotherapy. The ECF samples were then analyzed by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to screen them with respect to concentrations of low molecular weight compounds (metabolites). Suitable multivariate analysis strategies enabled us to extract patterns of varying metabolite concentrations distinguishing between samples collected at different locations in the brain as well as between samples collected at different time points in relation to treatment. In a separate study, we also applied SELDI-TOF-MS and multivariate statistical methods to unravel possible differences in protein spectra between invasive and non-invasive WHO grade I meningiomas. This type of tumor can usually be cured by surgical resection however sometimes it grows invasively into the bone, ultimately causing clinical problems. This study revealed the possibility to differentiate between invasive and non-invasive benign meningioma based on the expression pattern of a few proteins. Our approach, which includes sample analysis and data handling, is applicable to a wide range of screening studies. In this work we demonstrated that the combination of MS screening and multivariate analyses is a powerful tool in the search for patterns related to treatment effects and diagnostics in brain tumors

    Robusta biomarkörer för prediktion av risk och sjukdom : en utvärdering av reproducerbarheten hos de stora kommersiella omik-plattformarna

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    I och med utveckling inom storskalig analys av blodprover har man idag insett nyttan av att omvandla biobanker med lagrade humanprover till data-banker där forskare snabbt kan få tillgång till data för att svara på forsknings-frågor. Problemet är att många av teknikerna för att skapa storskaliga data är semikvantitativa, värdena går inte att relatera till en absolut koncentration och är därmed svåra att slå samman och jämföra över tid. Randomisering, det vill säga att proverna analyseras i slumpvis inbördes ordning, är en av de viktigas-te aspekterna för att skapa data som går att slå samman och återanvända för många forskningsfrågor. Detta underlättar korrigering av oönskade analysva-riationer över tid. Utöver detta kan man använda sig av bryggningsprover, QC-prov (kvalitetskontrollprov) eller ankarprover, som analyseras upprepat både inom och mellan analystillfällen, vilket underlättar att lägga samman dataset som analyseras vid olika tillfällen. Många kommersiella analysplattformar inkluderar ett eget QC-prov i analysen och vissa delar med sig av data för dessa prover. Det vore värdefullt om alla plattformar delade dessa data för kvalitetsutvärdering och eventuell korrige-ring av analysvariationer över tid. För alla semikvantitativa plattformar som undersöktes (Olink, Somalogic, Metabolon och Biocrates) var den tekniska variabiliteten mellan QC-proverna betydligt lägre än variabiliteten mellan ana-lyserade plasmaprover. Detta var tydligast för proteomikplattformarna, vilket antyder att förutsättningarna att upptäcka biologiska skillnader är bättre i pro-teomikdata. Undantaget från detta är en femte plattform, Nightingale, en kvan-titativ men smalare metabololmikmetod som anses generera stabila mätningar. Vid all utveckling av biomarkörpaneler för att prediktera sjukdom behöver man göra upptäcktsanalyser, sedan valideringsstudier och därefter tester i den situation man tänker att testet ska fungera. De breda omikplattformarna läm-par sig för upptäckt och eventuellt validering, men för det faktiska kliniska tes-tet behövs en kvantitativ analys för att verkligen utvärdera att de proteiner eller metaboliter man vill använda är stabilt uppmätbara och fungerar för att pre-diktera sjukdom eller risk för sjukdom